Suspend Your Wardrobe With The Perfect Addition

History of suspenders

Suspenders have been around since the 18th century, originating in France. The first version of suspenders were strips of ribbon attached to the buttonhole of trousers.

Suspenders were the only way to hold up a man’s trousers because belts were typically used for military uniforms only. It was also frowned upon to be seen out in public with your suspenders showing.   

Francesca originally decided to pursue a career in law and after graduating from Bocconi Law School in Milan, Italy, she spent several years working as a corporate lawyer in the United States, China and Milan. After getting a master’s in fashion law, she realized that her passion lay more on the fashion side than the legal side. In 2013, she decided to combine her love for vintage fabrics and patterns with her eye for quality and well dressed gentlemen to create her first pocket square from vintage silk, giving it as a gift to her boyfriend. He wore it to work, with the accessory garnering lots of compliments. Inspired, she held a party a few weeks later where she sold all 50 of the pocket squares she had made for the event. This success inspired her to continue making pocket squares, and for the next year and a half, she did it as a passion project on the side.

Give Your Belts a Break

Suspenders are long strips of fabric worn over your shoulders to adequately hold up your trousers.

Also, suspenders are a more comfortable and trendy alternative to suffocating your hips with a tight belt. Suspenders allow you to go through the day with ease without having to keep adjusting your trousers. Add some elegance and style to your wardrobe with our suspenders. 

Production of our suspenders

We handcraft each suspender with love and care. Our suspenders are designed and packaged in Como, Italy, ensuring only the highest quality.

 This is why we chose only to use family-run factories to print and produce our products. Our suspenders are made entirely of silk, including the elastic backing.

Our attention to every detail shows our commitment to producing the highest quality products. Below are pictures of our step-by-step procedure for constructing our suspenders. 

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Step 1. Cut leather ends and additional pieces out of leather.

Step 2. Prepare the leather

Step 3. Attach clips to leather pieces.

Step 4. Stamp Serà Fine Silk logo on leather pieces.

Step 5. Glue the proper pieces together.

Step 6. Press pieces together.

Step 7. Sew reinforcement seem.

Step 8. Package the completed suspenders for our customers to enjoy!

